Sunday, 2 October 2011

More eye candy

the Camden Basement..ment..ment..ment [echoes!],
men wear check please
(l to r, Sophie Gilpin, Matt Penfold, Bridget Collins, Mark Hoskin & Fran Gilpin)
Les belles costumieres! Di (the blonde) and Patsy (the brunette)
 - bless ya girls

Alison Fielding (a sick, sick Regan - in a sorta good way)

Kent, on thy life - put the bloody camera down,
Michael Elliott; the eponymous King

Gloucester (Humphrey Skett), feeling a bit dickey
Pippa Middlehurst, Stage Manager -
please learn your
lines and shush shush shush!

Goneril (Jenny McQueen) - Albany you
fool, can't you see what she's up to?

An officer and a gentleman - Derek Hollweg -
hangs about on the heath though so not completely kosher....
see Act III

Where the f....!!
Fran Gilpin, Director TTC's King Lear

Our noble Prince of Burgundy - Ed!
(Ed 'the Edster' Jones) - far too white a smile!

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