Without wishing to terrify my worthy thesps, I realise that we open two weeks today….if the play was in three acts, we’d be laughing, but there are another two to rehearse…I could just stop there, but feel I need to give directorial words of encouragement. Actually, everyone is doing marvellously and I’m impressed with the way the cast can ad lib in Shakespearian speech when the real text eludes them – although I’m not sure the man himself would ever have written ‘bollocks, what comes next....don’t tell me, don’t tell me…’
Talking of the male anatomy, I seem to have spent most of yesterday’s rehearsal working out how to grab Albany’s you know whats without doing him permanent damage….it’s amazing how much lewd behaviour you can shoehorn into a tragedy….sex…violence…death…not to mention gobbetts of gore and blood.We also had a great snogging scene, which I had to run again...and again...and again...not sure what Oswald thought, standing there having to watch it all - his expression of distaste as he discretely turned away said it all.
Only a few more deaths to go, and we’re on to ‘Howl Howl Howl’……get your hankies ready and weep.
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