Tuesday, 18 October 2011

I'll be thinking about your entrances....

Yes, I kid you not nuncles, those very words were used. For their own sake, to protect them from public vilification, the aggressor will remain nameless; oh but I shall have such revenge on them ... though I know not yet what.

So my Dress had some messy entrances - we all make mistakes - yet the proof of the pudding was in the eating of my entrances when in front of an audience; tonight they tasted my entrances and how happily they supped. Faultless I'd dare to say, as crisp and minty as any entrances encountered in Tunbridge Wells this month. Long may this continue. Right, that's out of my system ....


Tremendous fun, loved every minute of it including the ridiculously nervy opening exchanges; the challenge of getting a meaning across to the audience (not necessarily the meaning Shakespeare intended just a bloody meaning!) is a personal burden through the rehearsals which tonight suddenly blossomed into a personal aspiration, wanting this fine language to become something which the stressed, fatigued and recession weary citizens of Tunbridge Wells could pick up, enjoy and immerse themselves in with me. I'm not saying I succeeded but you know it was all the more fun for wanting to! Let's not pretend that Shakespeare comes easy to everyone, it doesn't to me, but I've a lot of time for someone who can set out a story - albeit one which shoehorns in lines of the ilk 'I am slain' and 'Speak on, you look as if you had something more to say' [from the blood soaked lips of a dying man??? I ask you!] - which runs for 3 hours but which engages audience and cast alike. The cameraderie amongst the cast has been notable, this proved its worth tonight; no play is wordperfect, many of us stumbled and many of us had cause to brush the lips of our colleagues for helping us out of a hole. Being wordperfect is over-rated, I'm only just learning this lesson .... oooh too deep, starting to cough, on my way back up now, let's have a beer!

give you good morrow

Earl of Kent (banished!) (thus!)

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